De Gomes, Fransiskus and Rahmat, Stephanus Turibius (2019) EVALUASI PENYELENGGARAAN KB DAN TKK DI KABUPATEN MANGGARAI BERDASARKAN NORMA, STANDAR, PROSEDUR, DAN KRITERIA DITJEN PAUD. [error in script] [error in script] ISSN 2541-0202

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Abstract: Evaluating the Providence the Play Groups and Kindergarten in Manggarai Regency Based on the Norm, Standard, Procedures, and Criteria of the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education. This study aims to evaluate providence of early childhood education especially the play groups and kindergarten in Manggarai Regency of East Nusa Tenggara. This evaluation based on the norm, standard, procedures, and criteria of the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education. It was urgent because providence of early childhood educatin disturbs residents in Manggarai. The study used comprehensive evaluation methods with the approach quantitative-deskriptive. Design evaluation use is goal attainment model developed by Tyler (1950). Steps of the evaluation approach are define an evaluation, develop an instrument, get data, and a analyse data by compare data by available standards. A total population were 158 peoples of early childhood education institutions in Manggarai Regency. The sampling technique used dispropotionated stratified random sampling. Data types of this research are quantitative data about the availability of documents and the application of the providence principles of education for play groups dan kindergartens students. The research used closed questionnaire. Data was analyses by descriptive qualitative technique that used percentage technique. The result of research showed that score of on each of the providence components the play groups and kindergarten in Manggarai Regency were: (1) operational licenses and the establishment requirements of institutions was 46,11% or the good enough category, (2) infrastructure requirements was 25,24 % and it was categorized as inadequate, (3) score of curriculum was 26,81% or the unfavourable category, (4) quality of human capital was 16,99% and it was categorized as inadequate, (5) students administration, human resources, financial, and common management was 29,86% or the unfavourable category, (6) the financing management was 29,52% % or the unfavourable category, (7) the partnership was 7,31% and it was not good category, (8) evaluation and development management agency 4,15% and it was not good category, (9) application of early childhood education principles was 33,01% or the unfavourable category, (10) the growing detection of child was 0,12% and it was not good category, and (11) providence principles of early childhood education was 100% or very good category. The total score of the providence compenents of early childhood education was 29,01% or unfavourable category. Conclusion of the research is providence of play groups and kindergarten in Manggarai regency is clasificated as the unfavourable category based on the norm, standard, procedures, and criteria of the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education. It was caused by low quality of human capital and infrastructure resources.

Item Type: Article
ContributionName["eprint_fieldname_contributors_nidn" not defined]Email
Uncontrolled Keywords: Evaluation, Providence, Play Group, Kindergarten
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1501 Primary Education
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Progam Studi Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Depositing User: Stephanus Turibius Rahmat
Date Deposited: 29 Jul 2019 01:42
Last Modified: 29 Jul 2019 01:42
URI: http://repository.unikastpaulus.ac.id/id/eprint/126

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